Why is Dunxin Financial Holdings Limited (DXF) stock inclining in premarket?

Dunxin Financial Holdings Limited (DXF) experienced an increase of 16.56% in premarket following the announcement of the transformation of the business into the metaverse and blockchain industry. However, the last trading session closed at $1.57 with an incline of 9.79%.

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Transformation of Business into Metaverse and BlockChain Industry

On 10th November 2021, DXF announced that it will formally move its firm into the Metaverse Industry. At present time, the company is aiming to hire specialists and is analyzing a number of projects. The firm is working to establish itself as a digital culture and entertainment technology platform with core intellectual assets and critical technologies. DXF engages in Metaverse-related sectors (such as BlockChain, NFT, AI, AR&VR hardware and software, games, and so on) through independent research and development, investment, and collaboration. Last but not least, the company is interested in working with industry participants.

Now what?

In the previous two years, the company did extensive research and analysis of large practitioners in the blockchain, coin, and mining industries, as well as communicating with worldwide and local institute experts and professionals. Metaverse is thought to be the biggest technology revolution following the waves of internet technology, benefiting from BlockChain technology, 5G6G technologies, and internet technology upgrades, with the goal of breaking physical limitations and realizing virtual space-sharing.

The ideal Metaverse is linked to both the physical and mathematical worlds. It will become ingrained in people’s lives and will help to reconstruct the digital economy. Metaverse invents new species by combining discrete single points and bringing long-term possibilities and opportunities.

The next 3-5 years will be a time of early Metaverse investigation. VR/AR, NFT, AI, Cloud, PUGC gaming platform, digital human, and Digital Twin City will all see massive technological breakthroughs and business model innovation. GPU, 3D Graphic Engine, Cloud Computing and IDC, High-speed Wireless Communication, internet, and gaming platform, Digital Twin City, and other investment possibilities are available in the mid to long term. Lastly, in the next 10 years, the Metaverse is anticipated to provide excellent financial prospects.

About DXF – Some Facts to know!

Dunxin Financial, founded in March 2013 and headquartered in Wuhan, China, is a forward-thinking fintech firm that specializes in providing loans to small businesses and individuals. The Company will develop blockchain, NFT digitalization, and be involved in the Metaverse industry after its commercial transformation.